New official word / Nova oficiala vorto
Sonja Elen Kisa
2009-04-01 11:29:44 UTC

I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.

Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu", a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.

(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)

Creator of Toki Pona


Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.

Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu", substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishäntäkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).

(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)

Kreinto de Tokipono
Pascal Blondiau
2009-04-01 12:02:24 UTC
Kaj... neniu speciala kroma vorto por "celakanto", kiu estas speco de fiŝo ?

Post by Sonja Elen Kisa
I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu", a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishï¿œntï¿œkarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)
Creator of Toki Pona
Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.
Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu", substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishï¿œntï¿œkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).
(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)
Kreinto de Tokipono
2009-04-01 13:12:42 UTC
Huh? I don't understand why the word has to be sooooooooooooo long.

--- On Wed, 1/4/09, Sonja Elen Kisa <***@kisa.ca> wrote:
From: Sonja Elen Kisa <***@kisa.ca>
Subject: [tokipona] New official word / Nova oficiala vorto
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, 1 April, 2009, 7:29 PM


I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.

Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu" , a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.

(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)


Creator of Toki Pona

--Esperanto- -

Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.

Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu" , substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishäntäkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).

(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)


Kreinto de Tokipono

New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
John E Clifford
2009-04-01 13:13:09 UTC
mi sona e ni: toki ni li toki musi tawa tenpo suno ni (April 1).

From: Sonja Elen Kisa <***@kisa.ca>
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2009 6:29:44 AM
Subject: [tokipona] New official word / Nova oficiala vorto


I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.

Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu" , a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.

(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)

Creator of Toki Pona

--Esperanto- -

Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.

Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu" , substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishäntäkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).

(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)

Kreinto de Tokipono

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Lluís Batlle
2009-04-01 13:24:31 UTC
toki wawa li lon. musi pi toki lon ni: jan Sonja li pali ala. ;)
Post by John E Clifford
mi sona e ni: toki ni li toki musi tawa tenpo suno ni (April 1).
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2009 6:29:44 AM
Subject: [tokipona] New official word / Nova oficiala vorto
I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are
advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other
new words besides pan and esun.
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing
phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is
"kijetesantakalu" , a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such
as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took
it from the Finnish word kierteishÀntÀkarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still
haven't decided that detail yet.)
Creator of Toki Pona
--Esperanto- -
Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas
bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj
Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau
en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos,
estas "kijetesantakalu" , substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de
procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj .
Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishÀntÀkarhu, kiu signifas potoson
(Potos flavus).
(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi
ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)
Kreinto de Tokipono
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
jan Jo
2009-04-03 08:48:13 UTC
mi kin sona e ni: jan Sonja pana e sitelen ni lon tenpo pi 23:29 NZST, 20:29 JST, 11:29 UTC, 6:29 EST, 3:29 PST, 1:29 HAST.
tenpo suno ni li (April 1) lon ma ali.
Post by John E Clifford
mi sona e ni: toki ni li toki musi tawa tenpo suno ni (April 1).
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2009 6:29:44 AM
Subject: [tokipona] New official word / Nova oficiala vorto
I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu" , a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishantakarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)
Creator of Toki Pona
--Esperanto- -
Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.
Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu" , substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishantakarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).
(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)
Kreinto de Tokipono
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
jan Jo

(toki pona) http://geocities.com/yohsweb/
(toki Nijon) http://www.yohs.net
agneau belanyek
2009-04-04 12:21:37 UTC
a a a! ni li musi mute!

This got me wondering how easily tp could develop a culture around its usage/history. Could the word Kijetesantakalu come into the language (as a name/borrowed word attribute) to refer to this incident.

e.g. musi Kijetesantakalu = a practical joke (like this one), jan Kijetesantakalu = a practical joker, tenpo suno Kijetesantakalu = a day for practical jokes like April fool's day etc.

are there any examples of such things happening in tokipona. (This would for example be analogous to "krokodili" in esperanto which, if i am not mistaken, refers to a crocodile in the Cseh-language course who would not speak esperanto.)

jan Sowelilili
Post by John E Clifford
mi sona e ni: toki ni li toki musi tawa tenpo suno ni (April 1).
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu" ,
Alexandre Baudry
2009-04-01 12:10:54 UTC
Dear Sonja,

That's a great idea, but if you do so, you need also to add a special word for the Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). I would suggest the word "sutopatikuna" from the croatian word Èudnovati kljuna¹.

Bonega ideo, sed se vi farus tion, vi devus ankaux aldoni apartan vorton por la Ornitorinko (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). Mi proponus la vorton "sutopatikuna" prenita de la kroatan vorton Èudnovati kljuna¹.

Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 11:29:44 +0000
Subject: [tokipona] New official word / Nova oficiala vorto
I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu", a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)
Creator of Toki Pona
Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.
Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu", substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishäntäkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).
(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)
Kreinto de Tokipono
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2009-08-27 06:11:39 UTC
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2009-04-01 14:38:13 UTC
tenpo suno ni la mi pilin pona tan ni: la mi sona e soweli sin!
kin la kijetesantakalu li pona lukin! ken la mi kama jo e ona tawa tomo mi?
taso ike la lipu Wikipesija li toki e ni: ona li soweli pona ala!
o lukin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinkajou
Post by Sonja Elen Kisa
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu", a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)
2009-05-21 04:08:09 UTC
"kijetesantakalu" is should a long word (both written and spoken), isn't there an alternative more practical word you can use?
Post by Sonja Elen Kisa
I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu", a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)
Creator of Toki Pona
Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.
Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu", substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishäntäkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).
(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)
Kreinto de Tokipono
John E Clifford
2009-05-21 13:35:43 UTC
nimi sin ni li toki musi tawa tenpo suno April 1. sina wile toki sike soweli kinkasu la toki e 'soweli kinkasu'

From: master1077 <***@yahoo.com>
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:08:09 PM
Subject: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto

"kijetesantakalu" is should a long word (both written and spoken), isn't there an alternative more practical word you can use?
Post by Sonja Elen Kisa
I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu" , a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)
Creator of Toki Pona
--Esperanto- -
Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.
Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu" , substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishäntäkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).
(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)
Kreinto de Tokipono
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
John E Clifford
2009-05-21 13:58:35 UTC
o toki e!

From: John E Clifford <***@yahoo.com>
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:35:43 AM
Subject: Re: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto

nimi sin ni li toki musi tawa tenpo suno April 1. sina wile toki sike soweli kinkasu la toki e 'soweli kinkasu'

____________ _________ _________ __
From: master1077 <***@yahoo. com>
To: ***@yahoogroup s.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:08:09 PM
Subject: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto

"kijetesantakalu" is should a long word (both written and spoken), isn't there an alternative more practical word you can use?
Post by Sonja Elen Kisa
I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu" , a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)
Creator of Toki Pona
--Esperanto- -
Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.
Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu" , substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishäntäkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).
(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)
Kreinto de Tokipono
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Helmut Voigt
2009-05-21 19:54:21 UTC
jan Kipo o, toki!

What do you mean by using "e" without a following object? 
jan Elumutu

--- John E Clifford <***@yahoo.com> schrieb am Do, 21.5.2009:

Von: John E Clifford <***@yahoo.com>
Betreff: Re: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto
An: ***@yahoogroups.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2009, 15:58

o toki e!

____________ _________ _________ __
From: John E Clifford <***@yahoo. com>
To: ***@yahoogroup s.com
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:35:43 AM
Subject: Re: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto

nimi sin ni li toki musi tawa tenpo suno April 1. sina wile toki sike soweli kinkasu la toki e 'soweli kinkasu'

____________ _________ _________ __
From: master1077 <master1077@ yahoo. com>
To: ***@yahoogroup s.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:08:09 PM
Subject: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto

"kijetesantakalu" is should a long word (both written and spoken), isn't there an alternative more practical word you can use?
Post by Sonja Elen Kisa
I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu" , a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)
Creator of Toki Pona
--Esperanto- -
Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.
Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu" , substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishäntäkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).
(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)
Kreinto de Tokipono
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
John E Clifford
2009-05-21 21:32:25 UTC
mi pona taso e toki mi pi pini tosa

From: Helmut Voigt <***@yahoo.de>
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 2:54:21 PM
Subject: Re: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto

jan Kipo o, toki!

What do you mean by using "e" without a following object?
jan Elumutu

--- John E Clifford <***@yahoo. com> schrieb am Do, 21.5.2009:

Von: John E Clifford <***@yahoo. com>
Betreff: Re: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto
An: ***@yahoogroup s.com
Datum: Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2009, 15:58

o toki e!

____________ _________ _________ __
From: John E Clifford <kali9putra@ yahoo. com>
To: ***@yahoogroup s.com
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:35:43 AM
Subject: Re: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto

nimi sin ni li toki musi tawa tenpo suno April 1. sina wile toki sike soweli kinkasu la toki e 'soweli kinkasu'

____________ _________ _________ __
From: master1077 <master1077@ yahoo. com>
To: ***@yahoogroup s.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:08:09 PM
Subject: [tokipona] Re: New official word / Nova oficiala vorto

"kijetesantakalu" is should a long word (both written and spoken), isn't there an alternative more practical word you can use?
Post by Sonja Elen Kisa
I have been working full-time on the book since December 2008. Things are advancing well. Many of you have been asking me if there will be any other new words besides pan and esun.
Although some of the new words I am considering are still in the testing phase, I can safely say that one word that has made the cut is "kijetesantakalu" , a noun for any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles. I took it from the Finnish word kierteishäntäkarhu, meaning kinkajou.
(I may decide to include the red panda under kijetesantakalu, but I still haven't decided that detail yet.)
Creator of Toki Pona
--Esperanto- -
Mi laboras plentempe pri la libro de post decembro 2008. Chio progresas bone. Multaj el vi demandis min, chu estos aliaj novaj vortoj krom pan kaj esun.
Kvankam kelkaj el la novaj vortoj, kiujn mi pripensas aldoni, estas ankorau en prova fazo, mi kapablas firme anonci ke unu nova vorto, kiun mi aldonos, estas "kijetesantakalu" , substantivo por iu ajn besto de la familio de procionedoj, ekzemple prociono, nasuo, potoso, basariciono, basarisko kaj . Mi prenis ghin de la finna vorto kierteishäntäkarhu, kiu signifas potoson (Potos flavus).
(Mi eble inkluzivos ankau la rughan pandon en kijetesantakalu, sed mi ankorau ne findecidis pri tiu detalo.)
Kreinto de Tokipono
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